• Wasabi for Treating Acne?

    Wasabi for Treating Acne?
    Wasabi and sushi are a traditional Japanese food pairing but did you know that wasabi serves a greater purpose than adding a little fiery heat to your meal?  Most sushi fans couldn't imagine eating their sashimi without it but few know that the reason why wasabi is served with sushi, aside from the great taste, is that it's a natural antibacterial that can help prevent food poisoning when eating raw fish. Wasabi's natural antibacterial properties also make it an excellent ingredient for treating acne!  Although we don't recommend slathering this green paste directly on your skin...
  • NATURAL ACNE TREATMENT INGREDIENTS: How they work - How to use them.

    NATURAL ACNE TREATMENT INGREDIENTS:  How they work - How to use them.
      How does Niacinamide work? Niacinamide is an anti-inflammatory that works to reduce the swelling and redness associated with acne.  It also works to regulate the amount of acne causing oil being produced by the glands in your skin.  In addition, it regulates skin tone and can help to fade the marks that acne can leave on the skin.  For Niacinamide to be effective in a product you need to have at least 2%. Why does Wasabi work? Wasabi is a natural antibacterial which makes it an excellent ingredient for treating acne!  Although we don't recommend...
  • How to Treat Teen Acne

    How to Treat Teen Acne
    Acne is a common condition faced by many teenagers.  The best way to treat acne is to first understand what causes acne.  For most teens acne is caused by hormones which results in an increased sebum (oil) production which results in plugged pores, increased inflammation & bacteria.  The results if untreated are pimples, pustules, and cysts.  Treatment sounds simple – keep the pores open and clean so the inflammation does not occur, and bacteria does not get trapped and there for no pimple will be formed. Although this sounds easy the ingredients used to keep pores...
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