• What causes acne (and what to do about it!)

    What causes acne (and what to do about it!)
    Over the next 4 blogs I will be going over the 3 different levels of acne & how to treat it. Let’s talk about what acne really is and what causes it. Once you understand how acne is formed, it’s much easier to treat. Acne is a disorder of the skin caused by inflammation of the skin glands and hair follicles. Since it forms under the skin, washing away surface oils doesn’t do much to prevent or cure it. A hair follicle (pore) branches to glands that produce sebum (oil). These sebaceous glands produce a small...
  • Winning the Battle With Acne, Michelle's Story

    This isn't our first "Winning the Battle With Acne" blog post.  We've done this before and absolutely love to share stories of people who have won the battle with acne using Derma MD's Blemish Treatment System. Michelle's Story Michelle is a busy mom of two little girls who didn't begin having issues with her skin until after her children were born. "Growing up, I never had issues with my skin. I would get the odd pimple here or there but nothing much to speak of. After having both my children, I made the decision not to...
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