• How to Combat Under-Eye Circles

    How to Combat Under-Eye Circles
    We’ve all been there…even under the age of 30, well hydrated and with enough sleep…we look in the mirror in the morning and see the eyes of an OLD, TIRED woman looking back! CAUSES Genetics are the #1 reason. If you inherit fair or thin skin under the eyes, it’s more obvious when blood pools there (especially with slower circulation from lack of sleep). This accumulation causes fragile capillaries to stretch and leak. If you inherit darker skin (East Indian or Middle Eastern genetics), the actual structure of the orbital socket often causes restricted circulation around the...
  • Winning the Battle With Acne, Michelle's Story

    This isn't our first "Winning the Battle With Acne" blog post.  We've done this before and absolutely love to share stories of people who have won the battle with acne using Derma MD's Blemish Treatment System. Michelle's Story Michelle is a busy mom of two little girls who didn't begin having issues with her skin until after her children were born. "Growing up, I never had issues with my skin. I would get the odd pimple here or there but nothing much to speak of. After having both my children, I made the decision not to...
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